Thank you, customers, for your friendship during this difficult time.

by | Feb 14, 2024 | Announcement

Thank you, customers, for your friendship during this difficult time.

Wednesday, February 14, 3:00 p.m.

House-Hasson letterhead


Thank you, friends.

When you hit a rough patch, you count on your friends.

House-Hasson hit a rough patch, and we’ve seen and heard from our friends. Our customers. We couldn’t be more grateful to you. Every one of you.

When on Jan. 15 a massive snowstorm hit Knoxville that damaged our warehouse and shut it down for days, we naturally had concerns about how you would react. You count on us, just as we count on you.

The answer was an outpouring of concern, understanding, and patience, from you, our friends.

We wondered a little bit whether our warehouse situation might affect our January dealer market in Nashville. The market’s results show it to be the most successful market we’ve ever held in Music City. You read that right. EVER.

It broke records in sales and attendance that, quite frankly, astound us. You demonstrated your support for us, again.

Ford Motor Company founder Henry Ford once said, “My best friend is the one who brings out the best in me.” You, our customers, inspire us to want to do our best for you, every day.

We hit a rough patch, and our friends were there for us. From all of us at House-Hasson Hardware, thank you.



Steve Henry Signature - without background

Steve Henry
President & CEO
House-Hasson Hardware Company

Be the next success story.

House-Hasson has a team of store conversion specialists that will be devoted to getting your store converted over to us with as much ease and efficiency as possible, so that you can quickly take advantage of House-Hasson’s programs and services to grow your profitability.