WAREHOUSE UPDATE: Shipments Begin Monday, February 5!

by | Feb 2, 2024 | Announcement

WAREHOUSE UPDATE: Shipments Begin Monday, February 5!

Friday, February 2, 7:00 p.m.

House-Hasson letterhead


Dear Dealers,

Shipments and full-time operations from our Knoxville warehouse Building A will begin at 6:00 a.m., Monday, Feb. 5!

The structural engineering inspection today confirmed that the reinforcements to the Building A warehouse roof are essentially sound and complete, the building and roof are safe, and our employees will return to work. 

A small portion of the warehouse still needs more work. Therefore, on Wednesday, Feb. 7, for our employees’ protection, we’ll suspend operations – anticipated to be only one day – in Building A. This is for safety, so that construction workers may access the roof in the 10% of Building A on which additional work is needed.

On Thursday, Feb. 8, we’ll resume regular full-time operations.

During the time we can’t access the small number of products in the closed warehouse area, you may see a slight increase in orders of products tagged with CODE 4 on eToolbox, signaling to you that we will ship those items as soon as we can pick them. We expect this issue will be resolved soon.

Next week’s schedule:


Building A reopens, orders are picked, deliveries resume.


Building A closes – for one day – for additional safety work.


Normal operations resume.

I hope you are as encouraged by this news as we are. This has obviously been a minute-by-minute challenge for our entire team, but we are grateful to report to you that light is indeed at the end of the tunnel.

Thank you again for your patience, and thank you, as always, for choosing House-Hasson.


Steve Henry Signature - without background

Steve Henry

President & CEO

House-Hasson Hardware Company

Be the next success story.

House-Hasson has a team of store conversion specialists that will be devoted to getting your store converted over to us with as much ease and efficiency as possible, so that you can quickly take advantage of House-Hasson’s programs and services to grow your profitability.